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Step back when you don't feel reinsured. When you don’t have the will then withdraw and recharge. It’s superior to assess the situation and wait. Ponder. Do not down-play patience. Treat it like a tactical maneuver.

Decisions made in ignorance and haste adds to the chaos. Observing and gathering your thoughts in such context is wise. But we all do not possess wisdom. It delivers with experience, uncertainty, and with a long-term mindset. And this state of affair will certainly add to it.

Wisdom is worth understanding. It has virtue and great profundity. It can be implemented daily to make valuable decisions. There's a tendency to believe that wisdom is only reserved for those older. There is a truth to this as the elderly have gained more life experience. However, I believe it is not a prerequisite.

Why do we need wisdom? Various reasons, for tranquility/to be calm in moments, gather insight, a happy life and to be of those who are successful. The objective here is to make intelligent decisions to be ahead of the game. With wise decisions you prioritise your definite needs and the fundamental factor in these choices made will bring logic and steadiness.

We all want an easy flowing life, smooth and, straightforward. But in reality you'll find this a rare gem. The truth is there will invariably be hiccups and/or destruction along our path. Without the setbacks you and I would be basic people.

Don't hesitate to slow down. Taking the step back will provide you with thinking time and the room to adjust. The judge specifically retrieves the final decision when he observes the finer details. Pure quality and intelligence. The weak-minded rush because they don't possess the power to take control of their inner dimension. They don't trust the path ahead. Be responsible. You don't move in accordance to others you take action when you intentionally choose to.


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