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Updated: Nov 29, 2020

Loneliness is heavy. It grips you, you feel enclosed and disconnected from the outside world. It pulls you in the night, almost claustrophobic shadowing all hope.

Sometimes you may feel like you're being dragged under a fountain of depression. Your gaze is fixed upon desolation. Your purpose of origination becomes empty. The soul within becomes isolated. You often feel rejected not having anyone to smile with. The light within your chest is being diminished, your self-worth demolished, you are silently fading.

The art of loneliness derives in many forms, its more than being alone. It may be the realisation of knowing the surrounding people don't care, or the separation of a loved one. You could be in a hospital bed swallowed by past trauma. The colour of your skin, you could be an outsider, rejected. Some individuals experience constant feeling of loneliness regardless of their social background. Its not always about being alone, its what you feel inside.

The list is quite extensive and could easily be expanded. Also, we can see loneliness can be very subjective. It's important for you to identify where your isolation stems from, otherwise we don't have a starting point. And it could be easily argued that each case requires its own remedy. So I'll leave you with a number of general tools later. Wield them like your weapon.

I'm not going to bore you with statistics, its not my style. One person suffering is enough. If this one person were to die, then in reality the whole of mankind has been wiped clean. The value of one soul is filled with depth.

I guess loneliness can be a choice, depending on the context at hand. If you read my previous blogs you'll notice a pattern emerge. No matter the issue at hand, the cure or remedy starts within yourself, beginning with effort. You need to alter the atmosphere. Loneliness and the surrounding come hand in hand, so reconstruct it.

No change can come if you don't start

Generally this is the toughest step. But sometimes we have to enter into an unfamiliar realm to find our way. Take your time, you will know when you're ready. And this doesn't mean it'll happen all in one go, it may take various turns, just start for now. Add value.

Once you identify the reason behind your loneliness, let it bleed or reflect upon it. Your spouse may have passed away, you're left alone? Cry, come to terms with it. Whatever you are feeling, let it out. Then we can accept, self-evaluate, identify triggers which takes me to emotional resilience.

Emotional resilience is not about being victorious in battle, but its the force to power through the storm while keeping the sail steady

Don't you think its about time we start dancing in the rain?

I don't want to repeat all these techniques again because people get bored. So be sure to check out my other blogs for development and how to get through patches, maybe that's your start.

You may feel like you've been left in the dumps. Whatever has brought your isolation, know there is a purpose in life. The whole world is your oyster as they say. Don't let your downfall begin in solitude. Instead, let this be a beginning of a deeper understanding to find your true purpose.

As I always say, I will leave you with one or two tips to give a helping hand:

Self Care - Since we're alone, why not invest into ourselves? Isolation is exhausting, it drains you. Whether its working out, becoming fit, looking after ones health, investing in supplements/products, a pet. Use this time to improve your wellbeing. Make yourself feel good, don't rely on others. You have to be there for yourself firstly. Also, its a great opportunity to follow your passions, build confidence, concentrate on your wants and needs, become successful. It's all about you.

Explore - Get yourself out there, go for walks, experience the beautiful nature. It's a blessing, utilise it, look at the signs around you, reflect upon them. You are not alone. You don't know what may stumble across your path, add value to your life, make things happen. The endorphins really do kick in. Especially with this pandemic, you don't want to be stuck inside all day, you're not helping your case.

If you look deeply, what do these tips above have in common? It's about doing something useful rather than living in despair. Treat this loneliness as a phase. Grab your mind and put it somewhere productive. Get busy. Don't let yourself waste away, make a change now. If you want something go and get it, draw the positivity and your life will become fruitful.

Make life happen.


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Sep 03, 2021

Poetic and poignant. What a beautiful post.


Nov 29, 2020

This so inspriational, I'm glad I came across this. I love it.

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